Learn To Make Safe & Effective Handmade Products With A Pharmacist


Soap Is For Cleaning; Not Whitening

Lately i have many oem enquiries asking me to make soap thats for whitening/ brightening/ anti aging / anti acne.

Im afraid i have ‘bad’ news guys; soaps cant do these things! All these are marketing terms used to make you buy the soaps. 

Ideally; a soap is used for cleaning. Chemically; its made out of saponified natural oils / surfactants that acts as a cleaning agents that removes dirt from your face. Thats all. 

Now depending on the oils/ surfactants used; it will determine how much of ‘cleaning’ its done. 

Sometimes when over clean (when you feel your skin kena tarik like that); this will alert the skin’s feedback machanism to create more oil; hence you feel ur skin is oily; and eventually getting skin blocked, causing acne and black pores etc. 

For this purpose; usually making a cleanser/ soap thats milder would reduce the oil production drastically= less oily face = less acne. 

Same goes for ‘whitening/ brightening’. Sometimes its caused by dry skin where your face loses its glow abd looks darker. 

Making the soap into something with different oils/ surfactants will immediately restore the natural oil in skin resulting in glowier and brighter face. 

These is what soaps do☝🏼 when adding actives like arbutin/ vit c/ kojic acid/ gluthathione: all these is just added for marketing purpose. Think about it; its barely on the skin for 1 min. How is it gona get ‘absorbed’? 

So what most companies do is they would sell a moisturiser/ serum/ any leave on together with this =like a set to sell more. (P/s: i do this too coz its so difficult to explain sometimes. Ppl just want that). 

If lets say you did get instant whitening from a soap; then there is high chances it has corrosive ingredients that strips skin’s first layer = pink baby skin thats prone to sunburn. 

So i hope after this; become an informed buyer. Know what you are purchasing:) 

And if you wanted to make a product for your own brand etc; do contact us:) we have DIY and OEM (manufacturing) options ready for you:) 


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