Bagaimana Menjual Sabun Handmade Di Malaysia?
Selalu sangat i mendapat soalan bagaimana untuk menjual sabun atau barangan handmade. Oleh itu hari ini i akan tulis mengenai soalan yang paling kerap ditanya.
1. Is it profitable to sell handmade items? Adakah menjual barangan handmade ini menguntungkan?
That really depends on how you sell and your profit margin. Some people make a really great living from it; to a point they could quit their day job as their handmade business could sustain better than their salary! Others could hardly break even! Some even lose money!
A lot of them who start this business starts thinking about it as hobby and sells barely to cover the cost of making the product. The first thing you must do when selling your product is a good record keeping. Its somewhat like basic accounting where you write down every tiny expenses occurred during the making of the handmade soap. This includes labour ( pay yourself hourly rate if you are making it), material cost, storage cost, utilities etc. A lot of times many don't put all this other expenses in consideration because they are doing it from home. However, if you want your business to expend in the future, you must pay the 'rent' to yourself from the business as cost so that when you do get a place for your business in the future, it wont shoot the cost up too much. Or easier still, you can outsource this whole production by asking someone else to do it; hint hint- check out soapworks malaysia, your readymade handmade soap production store.
Yang ni memang soalan yang paling kerap kita dapat di soap lab. Tapi ini semuanya bergantung kepada bagaimana you menjual dan harga you jual sabun you. Ada sesetengah orang memang dapat keuntungan yang banyak menjual barangan handmade ini sampaikan boleh stop kerja dan buat ini full time. Ada pulak yang dapat cukup cukup untuk cover cost sahaja. Ada yang lagi teruk hilang semua duit yang dia gunakkan untuk invest dalam business ini. Kesemuanya bergantung kepada individual itu sendiri.
Ramai yang start business handmade ini sebagai hobi dan jual dengan harga yang lebih kurang cover cost sahaja. Itu yang menjadi masalah selepas beberapa bulan kerana bila dia orang dah malas nak buat dan nak carik orang untuk buatkan, cost naik tinggi dan takleh jual pada harga yang dia orang tetapkan awalnya. So kena naikkan harga, customer pulak marah. Kan susah macam tu?
So pada awalnya sendiri you kena pastikan you ada record untuk semua benda yang you buat. Macam account yang simple dimana you catatkan setiap satu barang yang you beli untuk business ini. Ini termasuk cost material, cost production, pekerja ( jika you yang buat sendiri, tetapkan harga gaji you supaya masa you nak cari pekerja, dah boleh terus bayar tanpa menaikkan cost barang), cost cuci lepas buat, cost sewa ( bayar sewa dari business kepada you personally kalau buat di rumah), cost utiliti seperti telephone, elektrik, air etc. Pada mulanya memang nampak macam cost sangat tinggi untuk jual barangan ini tapi jika anda ingin business anda berkembang satu hari nanti, perkara perkara ini akan menyenangkan perkembangan business nanti sebab dah sedia ada. Harga cost pun takkan naik sangat sebab dah kira dari awal lagi. Ataupun paling senang jika taknak fikir semua ini, dapatkan sahaja sabun wholesale sedia ada dari SoapWorks Malaysia disini. Tak payah nak buat apa-apa. Semua dah siap. You potong sabun dan label je. Cost cost lain biar kami pikir:-)
2. How Much Should I Sell My Soaps For? Berapa nak jual sabun handmade ni?
Pricing is one of the trickiest thing you will probably encounter. The easiest way to see pricing will be by comparing what people are selling in the market and you go from there. Currently handmade soaps are sold between 20's to RM 30's. But there are times i still find 30g of handmade soap sold at RM 80+. Again all this depends on your target market. If your target market is the lower income group of course you cant sell at expensive price and vise versa. So before you price your product, think about who you want to sell it to and finally price your product from there. Usually the minimum should be at least x2 (50% margin) or x4 (100% margin).Harga untuk jual adalah salah satu problem paling besar untuk seorang peniaga. Cara paling senang untuk tengok harga untuk jual adalah dengan melihat apa yang orang lain jual. Buat masa sekarang harga sebuku sabun di KL ialah RM 20-RM35. Tapi ada jugak terlihat harga sabun 30g RM80 gak. So akhirnya semuanya bergantung kepada siapa you nak jual sabun ni. Kalau jual kat golongan gaji tinggi mestilah harga pun tinggi. Kalau tak dia takkan percaya barangan you ni premium dan natural:-). Selalunya paling ok jika you darab 2 (50% margin) ataupun x 4 (100% margin). Bergantung kepada siapa you jual sabun ni.
3. Who should i sell to? Nak jual kat siapa?
Again that really depends on your target market. The beauty about soaps are that they are consumable items that people use everyday. So you can actually sell to everybody! But its better if you have a defined target market so that selling is much easier and you can label and make your soap, logo according to this target market. For starters lets say if you are working in an office with 400-500 occupants in it. You can probably start out with them! And not forgetting your family members and neighbours too! All you have to do is provide them samples, ask them to use only your soap for 3 days ( no using anything else) and tell them to see the difference. Im pretty sure they will come back for more:-0.Sekali lagi yang ni pun bergantung kepada target market anda. Yang bestnya sabun ialah sesuatu yang orang gunakkan setiap hari dan semua orang guna sabun so sebenarnya you boleh jual sabun ni kepada sesiapa pun. Tapi lebih senang jika you dah tau nak jual kat siapa supaya masa jual senang sikit. Terutamanya masa buat label dengan logo. Kalau dah tau nak jual kat siapa, masa nak cipta logo dengan packing boleh terus tau nak buat warna apa, design macam mana etc. Pada mulanya katakan la you kerja di pejabat yang ada 300-400 orang.try;a jual kat dia orang. Kat keluarga dengan jiran pun. Orang orang ni sudahpun kenal you so mereka selalunya akan try untuk membantu you.bagi samprl kat dia orang untuk try. Mintak dia orang untuk guna sabun sampel tu tiga hari berturut-turut (jangan guna benda lain). Mereka pasti akan datang beli lepas tu sebab sabun handmade ni memang best:-)
4. How about labelling and logo? Bagaimana nak label dan buat logo?
If you are making cold process soap, its the best if you could just leave your soap 'open' and don't confine them in a box.why? Coz you should show off your gorgeous soaps. Take a look at Lush Handmade Cosmetic and look at all their gorgeous soap being displayed:-). Plus no packaging lowers your cost too:-)As for logo, you can always get somebody to design for you or you can make it yourself too. If you cant do designing at all, i would suggest you take a look at There are many freelancers offering their services for usd 5 only. They can design everything for you from your logo to your business card and whatever else you need for usd 5. But of course check out their reviews first because there are some who are terrible! Hire them at your own risk!. For printing there are many printer guys out there who can do it for you. I personally use these guys for printing as they are super reliable and deliver to nationwide too. If you want you can always contact shob or agnes at Tell them you got their info from Soap Lab and you will get some discounts too ( i have negotiated some deal for you guys with them. No im not getting any commission from this. Just helping friends :-0)
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Lush Soaps (Picture credit: Google image) |
Jika anda membuat sabun cold process, adalah digalakkan untuk anda tidak bungkus sabun ni. Sebab dah cantik. Letak je riben ke, tali etc. Lihat website ini yang kat UK, sangat cantik sabun-sabun dia.takde pun mereka membungkus sabun ini. Lagipun jika tak bungkus, kan murah lagi cost you:-)
Untuk design logo, you boleh design sendiri ataupun jika anda tak tau langsung buat designing, you boleh ke website Kat dalam ni ada ramai freelancer yang buatkan design dan logo. Kebanyakkan berharga usd 5 sahaja. Namun demikian check dulu review mereka sebelum book dia orang sebab ada ramai gak yang tak buat cantik. Memang trial and error. Tapi kalau dapat yang bagus, mereka boleh buat semua, nak logo ke, business card ke semuanya usd 5. Lepas dah dapat design, you boleh cari mana-mana orang printer kat malaysia untuk printkan. Kalau nak, you boleh gunakan my favourite orang printer. Dia orang ni boleh print dan hantar kemana-mana di Malaysia. So you tak payah susah-susah keluar rumah cari orang printer. Email je diaorang dengan design semua, lepas dah siap dia orang poskan. Senang. Kalau nak, you boleh contact agnes atau shob di Jangan lupa bagitau dia orang you jumpa contact mereka di soap lab sebab i dah negotiate untuk you dapat discount ( i tak dapat commision dari ni. Just tolong kawan-kawan je:)
So far this is all i can think about. If you need more help or you have any suggestions? Leave a comment below:-0 thank you for reading.
So setakat ni, ini sahaja yang dapat saya fikirkan. Jika anda perlukan lebih bantuan atau ada cadangan, sila tinggalkan comment di bawah. Terima kasih sebab sudi membaca. Sorry bm i teruk sikit:-)
If you are one of those who wants to understand why certain ingredient is in your skincare/ cosmetics, learn how to make and formulate your own cosmetics, do contact us on our next class. We also have business courses for those interested to start a business in handmade cosmetics.If you would like to start your business right away, take a look at our readymade product (wholesale) here (click) where all the soaps are readymade and can be customized to fit your own brand The MOQ (minimum order quantity) is low starts from RM 100.
If you want us to formulate your own product, contact our sister company at MOQ is RM 1000 for own formulation product
thank you for writing very informative article , teacher! :)
ReplyDeleteHey no prob jojo. Glad you liked it:)
ReplyDeleteNice info..thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeletegreat info. thx for sharing
ReplyDeleteHey..i'm in progress to make my homemade soap. Very helpful all that info
ReplyDeleteI can't thank you enough for so generous with all these information. Love you.
ReplyDeleteTq for the sharing / information
ReplyDeleteThank you very much...