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Can we add extract into Cosmetic Bases (Malaysia)

Yes you can add extract into our cosmetic bases.

Cosmetic bases are bases that are ready to be used. In soaplab we have many bases like liquid soap base, solid soap base, lotion base, serum base, cleanser base, shampoo and conditioner base and more.

Watch video if you prefer that:) 

All these bases are made generally using 100% vegetarian plant base ingredients and are safe to be used as is.

However if lets say you want to make it into your own customized formula; you can add your own extract, color, scents, essential oil and so on.

So the question here is can extract be added? The short answer is yes;

The long answer is ; it depends

It depends on your extract. 

There are two forms of extracts; powdered and liquid. And they can further be divided to cosmetic grade and food grade

If its cosmetic grade; its mot a problem at all to add it; provided you find out from your supplier whats the allowed percentage and go from there

But for food extract it may not be suitable as food grade extracts do not have ‘strict’ cleanliness; therefore there is chances that there are microbes in the powder, preservation system is not that good (as food we usually will heat up so it will kill the microbes but in cosmetic most extracts are added during the cooling phase), and finally the nutrient value might not be the same for food and cosmetic because food might have additional nutrients added like sugar etc to make it taste nicer that is not required for cosmetics

So when all these happens; it may distrupt the stability of the product; leading to shorter shelf life.

This happens to powdered cosmetic extracts as well.

Throughout our experience dealing in gmp factory; most of them have shelf life of 3m to 6 months only.

So if you are to add extracts; especially powdered or food grade ones; make sure to do stability testing if you are selling, and if you are using for own use; try to use it asap within 3-6 months.

Hope this helps and if you have any further questions; do let us knw. 

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