Learn To Make Safe & Effective Handmade Products With A Pharmacist


Boleh Ke KKM Sesuka Hati Batalkan Notifikasi Produk Kosmetik?

Baru baru ni ada issue beberapa product kosmetik yang kena batal by KKM sebab jumpa mercury and hydroquionone and scheduled poison dalam produk tu.

Tapi kebanyakkan founder and followers kosmetik produck ni menyatakan produk diorg ok je takde issue. Kena sabo by kkm etc.

Well its not that easy guys, in this video i ada terangkan cara KKM / NPRA post marketing survielence team bertindak. 

Hope this helps.

Kalau ada persoalan ttg kkm not atau you guys perlukan manufacturer bertaraf GMP kat malaysia yang boleh buat quantity kecil; (moq 200-500pcs) boleh whsapp 0126643817 ya:) 

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