This lotion is made with all the benefits of a scrub and skin loving ingredients.
To use: Message this almond solid body butter all over your wet skin during bath time to make your skin extra moisturised and smooth. In this kit we have added rice and almonds that acts as exfoliants that would help in eliminating dry skin revealing a brighter, fresher looking skin. Rinse it off after every usage and towel dry. You do not need to use any moisturiser after using this body butter because the cocoa butter and shea butter will keep your skin beautifully smooth, moisturised and soft to touch!
Untik menggunakan solid body butter ini, anda hanya perlu message keatas badan selepas bersabun, sementara anda masih mandi. Biarkan body butter ini di atas kulit anda dan tunggu sementara shea butter dan cocoa butter ini melembutkan kulit anda. selepas itu anda boleh renjis dengan air. Gunakan body butter ini seperti conditioner untuk mendapatkan kulit yang lembut, cantik dan gebu.
Untuk membuatnya, anda perlukan:
100g Refined Shea Butter
100g Refined Cocoa Butter
100g Beeswax
Honey Almond Fragrance Oil (as Desired)
To make:
- Melt all the ingredients ( butter and beeswax) - Use a double boiler or slow cooker. Do not use microwave as sometimes it explodes in the microwave (tried before using a glassware). Cairkan semua butter dan beeswax menggunakan slow cooker atau double boiler. Jangan menggunakan microwave kerana beeswax kadang kadang akan me letup (pernah terjadi!)
- Once melted sprinkle in the powder as desired. If you want the body butter to be scrub-by, put in more Almond & rice Powder. Selepas dicairkan, masukkan serbuk nasi dan almond. Pastikan ia kering sebum and a masukkannya.
- Mix and put the combo into the fridge. The reason for this is to make the almonds and rice powder to be suspended. If you pour this into the mold when its still hot and liquid-y, the powders will sink. Masukkan combination ini kedalam fridge untuk mengeras sedikit. Step ini diperlukan supaya powder lebih sebati dgn butter
- after about 10mins, you will notice your butter have solidify slightly, pour into mild and leave it for 2 hours. You can solidify them faster by putting it in the fridge for about 30 mins. Selepas 10 min di dalam fridge, butter akan mengeras sedikit. Pada masa ini masukkan ke dal am mild pilihan anda
- Un-mold and enjoy your body butter. It melts when it comes in contact with body temperature so let the moisturising butter sink in before rinsing it off! Keluarkan dari mild selepas ia mengeras dan day boles guna! ia akan fair apabila diletakkan keatas badan, so enjoy..
For more visual, check out our video:
ALL in Kit for starters:
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If you are one of those who wants to understand why certain ingredient is in your skincare/ cosmetics, learn how to make and formulate your own cosmetics, do contact us on our next class. We also have business courses for those interested to start a business in handmade cosmetics.
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