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How to Use and Store Shea Butter in Malaysia

Bagaimana menggunakan dan menyimpan Shea Butter di Malaysia

Many people have asked us on how to use and store shea butter therefore this post is for those who needs more information about this

Ramai yang telah tanya saya bagaimana untuk menggunakan dan menyimpan shea butter oleh itu post kali ini untuk mereka yang memerlukan informasi ini.

How to use shea butter
Bagaimana menggunakan shea butter

Lets start on how to use Shea Butter in Malaysia. Now this post though its specifically says shea butter, it covers for all butters or semi solid found in Malaysia.
As you know, the shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter, and palm oil (pure) comes in solid or semi solid form (for palm oil). To use it all you need to do is measure the required amount first, then melt it either in microwave, or in double boiler. You can also melt it on stove (direct heat) but make sure you are there to remove it from the direct heat as soon as it melts. After melting it, you can add it into your product.

Bagaimana nak menggunakan shea butter di Malaysia? Kebanyakkan butter butter ini termasuk shea, cocoa dan mango didapati didalam bentuk solid (beku) di malaysia dan separa beku seperti minyak sawit pure. Jika ingin menggunakkannya, anda boleh menimbang berapa yang perlu dahulu, kemudian meleburkannya di microwave, double boiler ataupun direct heat diatas dapur anda. Selepas dah melebur anda boleh masukkan kedalam produk anda.

How to store these butters.
Bagaimana menyimpan butter ini?

Most of this butters melting point (the temperature it melts in) is above 30 degrees. Which means in Malaysia's temperature; some will be in semi solid form (like palm oil) and at times will melt when it gets too hot. As for the other butters, example shea butter; it melts at around 60 degrees, therefore if you do put these butter out at normal room temperature; it will not melt. So to answer this question, you can put it in a airtight container ( normal food container will do) and leave it in room temperature.

Kebanyakkan butter ini mempunyai tahap melebur yang lebih daripada 30 darjah. Ini bermaksud dgn suhu di malaysia ini, kebanyakkanya akan berada semi beku (seperti palm oil) ataupun beku seperti shea butter dan cocoa butter (melebur pada 60 darjah keatas). Oleh itu untuk menyimpannya anda boleh masukkannya kedalam bekas kedap udara ( bekas makan pun takpe) and simpan pada suhu bilik jauh daripada matahari dan tempat panas)

Can i put it in the fridge?
Bolehkah saya masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk

If you are afraid that it melts, then its really not necessary to put these butters in the fridge as its will not melt in our hottest weather (our highest temperature so far was 38 degrees). But if you want it to be in the fridge to preserve it, its really up to you. I personally wont put it in the fridge as i don have space in my tiny little fridge ;-0 also butters generally have got high shelf life due to its saturatted fatty acids in it:-) click here to read more about fatty acids.

Jika anda ingin masukkan kedalam peti sejuk kerana takut lebur, anda tidak perlu masukkannya kerana musim kemarau terpanas di sini pun paling tinggi 37 darjah dan butters ini hanya akan melebur di suhu 60 darjah dan lebih. Tetapi jika anda ingin masukkan kedalam peti sejuk sebab nak ianya tahan lama,itu terpulang kepada anda. Bagi saya, saya takkan masukkan kedalam peti sejuk sebab takde tempat;-0 lagi pun butter ini kebanyakkan tahan lama sebab ianya dibuat daripada minya tepu ( so tak cepat luput)

Hope this clarifies the begginers doubt on how to store and use. Thank you for reading Soap Lab Malaysia. If you have any enquiries about this post, please leave a comment below. If you want to find out more about our online store, please click here.
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