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How To Handmade Kids Lotion; Frozen Series (Olaf's Melted Snow Body Lotion)

Hi guys! Today we bring you the recipe for the Olaf’s Melted Snow Body Lotion. 

Like Olaf from frozen our body lotion is fun and exciting. Body lotions can help moisturize and nourish the skin. 

Kids will be kids and sometimes we need to make it more fun and exciting for them to apply the lotion. 

It has a jojoba lotion base has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. 

This is particularly important for children, since they spend lots of time playing outside. 

It also uses the vanilla lace fragrance oil which gives it a nice soothing smell. 

The Olaf Vanilla Body Lotion is very easy to use, even for kids. All they have to do is to apply onto the skin, and the lotion will do the rest. Enjoy!

Ingredients: (makes 200g body lotion)

  1. SoapLab’s Jojoba Lotion Base 
  2. Vanilla Lace Designer Fragrance 
  3. Vitamin E Additive 
  4. Rubbing Alcohol 
  5. Glycerin 
  6. Storage Container 
  7. Olaf sticker 

Watch Video How To Make:

Download PDF Recipe  (Formulation)

This recipe includes measurement and steps on how to make. 
(P/S: these are proper measurement that are tested. Its all by weight and using scales. 
We strongly disagree to using cups and spoons as measurement because every ingredients has different density and it can produce different results. Always use weight as measurement so that you produce a good quality and safe product. Skincare making is not like baking! it requires proper knowledge of ingredients you use!)


  1. Always test the product on your skin for allergic test first. Click here to find out how to do so
  2. If you are selling this product, advice your consumers to do allergic test first
  3. Make sure all your utensils and work surface is clean and sterilise as dirty area and utencils can reduce shelf life of scrub
  4. Do not add in any Fresh ingredients that can spoil easily as this will reduce the shelf life of scrub. Click here to find out more
  5. If applying on face, avoid citrus based or sandalwood essential oil as Malaysian weather will cause your skin to be easily sun burnt. Wear sun protection if add these Essential oils.
  6. If you have any questions; please don't hesitate to contact us here via FB messenger.
  7. If you are interested to start a business in skincare but not sure how; join our FB SoapLab Malaysia Club here. (Monthly charges applies)
  8. If you would like to join our Skincare & Soap Making Class Click here

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