Hi all! Our recipe today is a mild shampoo for your baby boy :) We love this shampoo recipe, not just because it smells good but because it has great ingredients too (p.s. we even used on ourselves, and its amazing when you just need a cold shower on a hot day).
One of the ingredients here is D-panthenol, a mild moisturizing ingredient and also anti inflammatory. So if your kid has any scalp itchiness from our hot weather in Malaysia, this will really be helpful.
Plus, we use coconut oil which has been known for generations as a cooling oil and regulates body temperature. Since most of our SoapLab readers (you guys) are selling your own products, of course we need to separate the shampoos for boys and girls.. Baru la special .. we use some Neon Blue for a nice pop of color and bath time won't be boring anymore :)
Ingredients: (makes 200g Baby Shampoo)
- SoapLab’s Coconut Liquid Soap Base
- Coconut Oil
- D-Panthenol
- Neon Blue Colour Pigment
- Glycerin
- Baby Fresh Fragrance Oil
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Storage Container
Watch Video How To Make
Download Full Recipe (PDF)
- Always test the product on your skin for allergic test first. Click here to find out how to do so
- If you are selling this product, advice your consumers to do allergic test first
- Make sure all your utensils and work surface is clean and sterilise as dirty area and utencils can reduce shelf life of scrub
- Do not add in any Fresh ingredients that can spoil easily as this will reduce the shelf life of scrub. Click here to find out more
- If applying on face, avoid citrus based or sandalwood essential oil as Malaysian weather will cause your skin to be easily sun burnt. Wear sun protection if add these Essential oils.
- If you have any questions; please don't hesitate to contact us here via FB messenger.
- If you are interested to start a business in skincare but not sure how; join our FB SoapLab Malaysia Club here. (Monthly charges applies)
- If you would like to join our Skincare & Soap Making Class Click here
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