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How To Make: Deep Cleansing Hair Mask

Hi ladies! Today’s recipe is for beautiful luscious looking hair. We’ll be making something to pamper ourselves on a chilled out weekend, a deep cleansing hair mask! 

To begin, we use Shea Olive Cream Base that we formulate in house specially. In this cream base; we put loads of shea butter and olive oil so you can imagine how it would feel on your hair. super duper moisturising!

Next, bentonite clay is added in for its deep cleansing properties. It soaks up sebum that your scalp produces and reduces conditions that cause dandruff too!. It’s extremely important to keep your scalp clean so that new hair can grow and the old strands are healthy too. Without this, you’ll end up seeing a lot of hair fall due to an unhealthy scalp. 

On top of this, we then add some Citronella Lime Fragrance Oil that is super duper refreshing and calming too. This hair mask will leave you feeling like you just went for a deep cleansing treatment at a Spa!

Try it and let me know how it goes!


Preparation Time : 5 minutes
Total Time : 20 minutes 

Ingredients: (makes 200g Scalp Mask)

  1. 120g SoapLab’s Shea Olive Cream Base
  2. 80g Bentonite Clay
  3. 2g Polyquat
  4. 2g Citronella Lime Fragrance Oil   
  5. 4g Glycerin 
  6. 10 sprays of Rubbing Alcohol
  7. 200g storage jar 

How to Make 


Visual Guide 

  1. In a mixing container, put in 120g SoapLab’s Shea Olive Cream Base.   

  2. Add in 2g of premixed Polyquat (diluted with 4g glycerin) into the container. 

  3. Next, add in 80g of Bentonite Clay.

  4. Add in 2g of Citronella Lime Fragrance Oil. Use a pipette for easy and accurate measuring & dispensing.   

  5. Using a normal baking whisk, mix cream, clay and oil all together until colour looks equally dispersed throughout. 

  6. Get your disposable piping bag and transfer hair mask into it. This will make an easy transfer from mixing container to storage jar.  

  7. Spray storage jar with Rubbing Alcohol in order to provide a sterile environment for your hair conditioner.  

  8. Fill hair mask until it reaches the brim of the jar. Do not overfill as it will spill and overflow when you screw your cap on. 

  9. Screw on the cap and this scalp mask is ready!

Order Ingredients


  1. Always test the product on your skin for allergic test first. Click here to find out how to do so
  2. If you are selling this product, advice your consumers to do allergic test first
  3. Make sure all your utensils and work surface is clean and sterilise as dirty area and utensils can reduce shelf life of scrub
  4. Do not add in any Fresh ingredients that can spoil easily as this will reduce the shelf life of product unless specified in recipe. Click here to find out more
  5. If applying on face, avoid citrus based or sandalwood essential oil as Malaysian weather will cause your skin to be easily sun burnt. Wear sun protection if add these Essential oils.
  6. If you have any questions; please don't hesitate to contact us here via FB messenger or via WhatsApp at 0126643817
  7. If you would like to join our Skincare & Soap Making Class Click here
  8. If you would like to have these readymade (PRIVATE LABEL/OEM) for you, email sales@soaplabmalaysia.com For Free Quotation.

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